Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am back

It has been a while since I have posted. I have been posting my work on and trying to sell some work. I am the straving artist you know. Oh well the lord is showing me the way.

Also joined Twitter using kiwidownunderr and finding it very interesting reading.
Promoting on etsy rends now too. So I have been busy promoting myself.

I need a miracle and I know it is on it's way.

Bye for now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It is a new Year and a new direction.

Hello there.

Well we are well into another year. I have been busy trying to get things don and of course not going as fast as I really would like. I did another donation this yime for the NRHA silent auction back in December. It was of Shwn Flaride and the Triple crown winning mare. Shawn signed it I hheard that it was a hit. I did not get to the show so I was very happy to hear the feed back.

So here it is. I was pleased with the finshed painting. Now I a starting to do Belts, Beaded Belts, and wallets, along with book covers portfolios etc, as extra items to do. I am trying to get to sell on Ebay but I am having a hard time getting into Pay pal. guess I will get there finally.

Well that is it for now. Bye.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Childrens Charity Silent auction

Hello there once again. Well the huge storm Ike is coming to shore. Oh man it looks terrible.
I hope the folk from down there have moved out, because it looks like the warning about it being a matter of life and death is correct. I would not want to be there for that. God Bless you all down there.

On the 27th of Sept, there is going to a silent auction in Whitesboro TX, for a Childrens Charity which is a great cause. Oh yes welcome if you have come from the wsetern Horseman Blogs. I hope you will come back to this page and my other sales page. Anyway I decided that I would donate a leather painting to them. Pete Kyle , a reiner is hosting it as he does every year at this time and I hope that anyone in our area will go for lots of fun. I am going to post a picture of the painting that I will give them for the silent auction.

It is of as you can see Two Indain War Ponies. I added real horse hair as the first horses mane and also the reins,feathers and other little things. I wanted it to be unique for the auction as well as good advertising for me. So if you want it go to the auction and bid. It is 12" x 16" plu frame width.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

God bless all on the TX Coast.

Well I wish everyone who is getting ready to move out of the TX coast area all the very best of luck. This looks like a very very bad storm heading this way. I hope that the houses will with stand the force that is coming through.
I am praying to the lord to have you all go back safely and to a home to go back to.

I am inland but would be so afraid if I were in your shoes that is for sure.
Did you see those stupid kids out in the storm in the Keys. I was expecting to see a news bulletin stating that the Fire guys had to go out and find one or both of those stupid idiots. They do not have time to save sightseers and brave wannabes.

Did you see the comments Obamas saying. Think he needs to close his mouth except for the issues. He says that McCain is not telling use ant thing about issues, but I have learnt quite abit in the last 2 weeks that makes me start to swing towards McCain and to think Obama just wants to taxs use all. O Reilly's not getting an answer to the questions. He is playing dirt the way I see it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Convents are over.

Hello there.

Well the convention is over. I have decided more to swing towards McCain. Not because he took a women VP, but because he is not going to tax the heck out of us. I loved all the speeches that were on TV as they did all have something to say. I was getting sick of all the beat each other up instead of the reason they are going to be the President of this wonderful country.

I think this blog will be short as I am a little tired tonight. A TX reiner is putting on a charity auction to raise money for children and I am donating a Small Painting in leather to them. I hope that it brings in some money for the children of the area.

Those storms that are haeding to the caost are just so awlful. I feel so sorry for the wonderful folk in the areas where IKE and Hanna and the third storm is heading. I get so scared in a bad stporm let a lone something like those storms. You do not get storms like those in New Zealand, heck we do not even have snakes or big spiders, or half the dangerous animals that are over here in the States.

Sit tight storm folk and good luck. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Elections HaHa.

Hello there.

Well what a weekend. the weather, the election and a holiday.
Thank goodness that the storm was not as bad as expected. I do not think I would like to live down there. You folk have a lot of guts thats all I can say to you. I do hope that your lives are not shattered, and have homes and businesses to go back to. Nature can be such a terrible thing.
God bless you all.

The election is going to be really interesting donot think. I Like the fact he picked a woman for VP. Her speech blew me away when she spoke. They need to leave her family alone. I know it is fair game but I think the children are where it should stop.

We are feeling the wind from that big strom and feels really good here in TX. But it is rather warm also.

I have started a second blg so that you can see the paintings and other items I have for sale.

It is I have posted it on this site on the side.

Got to go. bye for today.

Friday, August 29, 2008


This is Into thou Hands.
This is one that I for some reason just had to do. I put real thorns on his head as well. I did get spiked alot doing that so I think I felt some of his pain, not much mind you but a little. I felt really good doing this one.
Commissions Welcome.
I have a small number available for sale. This one included.
Contact me through my web site if you like to see or order one from me.
Please tell your friends.